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What is Community Solar in Ireland?

Community solar offers an excellent alternative for individuals needing help installing solar panels on their property or prefer not to. It allows them to enjoy the advantages of solar energy and is particularly beneficial for low- and moderate-income individuals and renters.

In community solar, a large solar power plant is a central source of electricity shared by multiple properties. Unlike residential solar installations measured in kilowatts, community solar projects are measured in megawatts, capable of powering hundreds or thousands of homes. Community solar is also known as roofless solar, solar gardens, or shared solar.

Since community solar does not require a suitable rooftop, it is an ideal solution for renters and those residing in shared housing. By purchasing a share or subscribing to a community solar project, participants can reap the benefits of solar energy while paying reduced electricity costs.

1. Group purchasing: This program enables many households or businesses to purchase individual solar systems at bulk rates negotiated with solar installation companies. Unlike community solar projects, where participants benefit from a central system, group purchasing involves individual ownership of solar projects.

2. Green power: Green power programs allow utility customers to purchase electricity from renewable energy sources such as hydro, wind, and solar. While these programs are driven by environmental concerns, community solar projects aim to deliver cost savings alongside renewable energy benefits.

3. Crowdfunding/online solar investment platforms: Some companies provide online platforms for investing in new solar installations. These investments are solely financial opportunities and do not provide electricity bill offsets like community solar projects.

1. Ownership: Participants can purchase a specific number of panels or a portion of the community solar project. Through ownership, you receive electric bill credits or savings from your solar panels.

2. Subscription: Subscribers pay a lower rate on their monthly electric bill. Rather than owning panels or a share of the project, they purchase electricity at a reduced rate compared to the utility's price.

At, we make it easy for you to access the advantages of solar energy through community solar. Our platform connects you with local community solar projects, allowing you to enjoy renewable energy benefits and lower electricity costs without needing rooftop installations. Start your solar journey today and contribute to a cleaner and more sustainable future.

Community solar is an innovative approach enabling more individuals in Ireland to benefit from solar power, even if they cannot install solar panels on their property. It offers two primary advantages to participants: expanded access to the advantages of solar energy and consistent savings on their monthly electricity bills. Additionally, community solar projects benefit utility companies operating within their territories. However, it is important to note that community solar subscribers may not be eligible for certain benefits like the solar income tax credit (ITC) available to rooftop solar owners.

Community solar projects in Ireland operate through a "virtual net metering" (VNM) policy. This policy allows households, businesses, and nonprofits to receive net metering credits for a small renewable energy project. Just as net metering allows you to offset electricity consumption from the grid with solar energy generated on your rooftop, virtual net metering enables you to offset grid electricity consumption with solar energy produced at a remote location, thus leveraging solar power virtually.

Participating in community solar can substantially reduce your monthly electricity expenses, ensuring long-term savings for years.

Apart from providing financial advantages to participants, community solar projects offer several benefits to electric utilities in Ireland. Utilities can strategically locate solar gardens on the grid in areas with fewer generators, contributing to grid stability and reducing the need for costly maintenance and repairs. Furthermore, community solar farms assist utilities in meeting renewable portfolio standards imposed by the state, as community solar counts towards the mandated percentages of renewable solar energy. is your premier online platform for community solar in Ireland. By signing up for a free account, you gain access to solar developers offering local community solar subscriptions, helping you save money on your electricity bills. Our platform, trusted by over 10 million individuals annually, empowers you to learn about solar power, explore options, and make informed investments in solar energy. Start browsing community solar projects near you today and join the renewable energy revolution in Ireland.

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When you choose our Irish experts for your home solar installation, you can be assured of getting the best local expertise. Our expert technicians will customize your system according to local weather patterns, building materials and city codes in order to ensure the highest efficiency and performance.
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