Save with Solar Panels

  • Affordable PV Solar Installation Costs
  • SEAI Grants for Homes and Farms
  • SEAI Approved & Registered Installers
  • Photovoltaic Solar Panels for Electricity

Types of Solar Installations in Ireland

Solar technology offers immense versatility, allowing for installations in various locations and settings. In Ireland, we classify solar panel systems into four categories: residential, commercial, industrial, community solar, and utility-scale. While these categories share the same underlying technology, they differ in size, location, cost, and purpose.

Homeowners across Ireland can benefit from solar panel installations on their properties. Typically, residential solar systems are installed on rooftops of standalone, single-family homes. However, ground-mounted, carport, or pergola installations are also possible. These systems supply electricity directly to your home, and any excess power can be sent back to the grid, offsetting your electricity bill through net metering.

To learn more about solar installations for homes, click here.

The expansive, often unused, flat roof spaces of commercial and industrial buildings are ideal for solar installations. From small and medium-sized businesses to large industrial factories, solar panels can be installed on rooftops, parking lot canopies, or open fields. Solar power offers businesses a great opportunity, not only as a sustainable energy solution but also as a potential source of revenue.

To learn more about solar for businesses, click here.

Electric utilities traditionally relied on fossil fuel or nuclear-powered large-scale power plants to generate electricity. However, there is a growing shift towards renewable resources like solar and wind. Utility-scale solar installations are massive, often several hundred to several thousand times larger than residential systems. They sell the generated electricity directly to utilities, powering tens of thousands of homes and businesses.

To learn more about utility-scale solar panel installations, click here.

Community solar provides an innovative way for individuals unable to install solar panels at their properties to access solar power. Instead of on-site installations, community solar involves large-scale solar farms in the local area. Interested individuals can subscribe to these farms and purchase solar power generated at the facility.

To learn more about community solar installations, click here.

At, we make it easy for you to embark on your solar journey. By signing up for a free form, we connect you with reputable solar companies in Ireland that provide custom solar quotes tailored to your specific needs. Join the hundreds of people who come to us each year to learn, shop, and invest in solar energy. Sign up today and discover how much solar can save you.

Note: The prices and incentives mentioned in this article are for reference purposes and are subject to change. Please consult with local installers and relevant authorities for the most up-to-date information regarding solar installations in Ireland.

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When you choose our Irish experts for your home solar installation, you can be assured of getting the best local expertise. Our expert technicians will customize your system according to local weather patterns, building materials and city codes in order to ensure the highest efficiency and performance.
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