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Learn About Solar Energy in Ireland

Welcome to, your go-to resource for learning about solar energy in Ireland. Discover how solar panels harness the sun's power to generate electricity and contribute to a sustainable future. Let's explore the essentials of solar energy:

Solar energy is an abundant and renewable power source derived from the sun. It can be utilized in two main forms: electric and thermal energy. Photovoltaic (PV) systems, commonly known as solar panels, are the most prevalent method of capturing solar energy and converting it into usable electricity. In addition to PV systems, solar thermal energy, also known as concentrating solar power (CSP), is employed for heating spaces or fluids. By integrating solar hot water systems and passive solar heating strategies, residential and commercial properties can maximize the benefits of solar technology.

Are you interested in harnessing the power of solar energy? Solar panels can be installed at residential, commercial, and utility scales. Homeowners can embrace residential-scale solar energy by opting for rooftop solar panels or ground-mounted installations on open land. Typically ranging from 5 to 20 kilowatts (kW), residential solar systems are tailored to suit different home sizes.

Commercial solar energy projects are implemented on a larger scale than residential setups. While sizes and costs may vary, the primary goal of commercial-scale solar arrays is to supply on-site solar power to businesses and nonprofit organizations. On the other hand, utility-scale solar projects involve extensive solar power plants that span several megawatts (MW) and provide energy to many utility customers.

Community solar offers a viable alternative for individuals unable to install solar panels on their property due to cost constraints. Community solar farms are centrally located projects allowing homeowners, renters, businesses, and nonprofits to subscribe and benefit from solar energy without installing panels on their property.

At, we aim to educate and inform you about solar energy in Ireland. Explore our comprehensive resources to understand the potential of solar power and how it can positively impact your energy needs and the environment. Let's pave the way for a sustainable future with solar energy in Ireland.

Understanding how solar panels work is crucial to harnessing the power of solar energy. Let's dive into the mechanics:

Solar panels, also known as solar modules, consist of silicon cells, a metal frame, a glass casing unit, and wiring for electric current transfer. The silicon cells, made of a nonmetallic element called silicon, possess conductive properties that enable them to absorb sunlight and convert it into usable electricity. This process is known as the "photovoltaic effect."

When sunlight reaches a silicon cell, it causes electrons within the silicon to move, initiating the flow of electric current. This phenomenon is the core principle behind solar panel technology. It was initially discovered by Edmond Becquerel in 1839 and is a unique characteristic of certain materials called semiconductors, which generate an electric current when exposed to sunlight.

The silicon photovoltaic solar cell absorbs solar radiation.

Sunlight interacting with the silicon cell causes electrons to move, creating an electric current. Wires capture this direct current (DC) electricity and transfer it to a solar inverter.

The solar inverter converts the DC electricity into alternating current (AC) electricity, suitable for powering homes and businesses.

Solar power has a fascinating history. 1954 Bell Labs developed the first silicon photovoltaic cell, marking a significant milestone. While solar energy had been utilized before this, it was only after 1954 that solar power became a practical and sustainable source of electricity for extended periods. 

The early solar cells had an efficiency of around 4 percent. Today, many commercially available solar panels can convert sunlight into solar power with efficiencies above 20 percent, a number that continues to improve over time. The adoption of solar energy could have been faster. Still, various state and federal incentives and policies played a pivotal role in driving down the cost of solar, making it more accessible and widely adopted.

At, we provide comprehensive insights into the functioning of solar panels and their role in harnessing solar energy in Ireland. Explore our resources to learn more about this clean and renewable energy source and how it can benefit your home or business. Let's embark on a sustainable solar energy journey together in Ireland.

As solar panel efficiency continues to improve, the cost of solar panels has significantly decreased. Over the past decade, the cost of installing solar panels has dropped by more than 70%. Experts in the industry anticipate that prices will continue to decline in the coming years, making solar energy even more affordable.

Furthermore, depending on your location, various rebates and incentives are available to reduce the cost of solar energy further. In Ireland, several nationwide and local incentives can contribute to significant savings. 

If you're curious about the potential cost of solar energy for your specific circumstances, we invite you to use our solar calculator. This tool provides a quick estimate based on your location and energy needs.

Solar energy is a clean, affordable, and renewable source virtually everywhere. Any location that receives sunlight has the potential to generate solar power. Solar energy represents an inexhaustible source of power. Renewable energy technologies, including solar, produce electricity from infinite resources.

Contrast this with electricity generation from fossil fuels, which took hundreds of thousands of years to form. When fossil fuels are burned to generate electricity, they deplete these finite resources and contribute to emissions. In contrast, using renewable resources like solar, wind, and hydropower for electricity production does not deplete the resource. The sun will continue to shine on the Earth's surface consistently, ensuring an endless supply of solar energy. Solar power, by its very nature, is renewable energy.

While the current electricity mix in Ireland still heavily relies on fossil fuels, renewable energy sources such as solar are rapidly gaining prominence as their cost becomes increasingly competitive. Embracing solar energy allows us to reduce our dependence on finite resources and transition towards a cleaner, more sustainable energy future.

At, we provide comprehensive information about the cost-effectiveness of solar energy in Ireland. Explore our resources to learn more about how solar power can benefit your home or business while contributing to a greener planet. Let's harness the renewable potential of solar energy in Ireland together.

Deciding whether to switch to solar energy and install solar panels depends on various factors specific to your situation. Consider the following questions to determine if solar is a suitable choice for your home or business in Ireland:

  • 1. Energy Consumption and Cost: Evaluate your electricity usage and the cost of electricity in your area. If you have high electricity consumption and pay significant bills, transitioning to solar can lead to substantial savings.
  • 2. Home Ownership: Owning a single-family home makes it easier to install solar panels. The installation process may be more challenging if you live in a multi-family home or rent the property.
  • 3. Roof Suitability: Assess the condition of your roof. An ideal roof for solar installation is spacious, in good shape, not too complex in design, south-facing, and receives ample direct sunlight. If your roof doesn't meet these criteria, you can explore the possibility of a ground-mounted system if you have available land space.
  • 4. Availability of Local Installers: Check if reputable solar companies operate in your area. Having multiple installers to choose from can ensure competitive pricing and quality service.
  • 5. Incentives and Rebates: Research the local and state incentives available for solar energy. These incentives can significantly reduce the cost of your solar system and shorten the payback period.

If some of these factors don't align with your situation, but you are still interested in going solar, our article on determining if solar is right for you provide more detailed information to help assess your suitability.

The solar industry has experienced remarkable growth over the past decade, with solar capacity increasing by an average of 33 percent, as the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) reported. 

Solar power's rapid growth has also led to advancements in related sectors. Solar battery systems, electric vehicles, and heat pumps are witnessing significant development, complementing the benefits of solar energy.

By choosing solar power as your electricity generation source, you contribute to the solar industry's growth. Whether installing solar panels on your property or subscribing to a community solar farm, you increase the installed solar capacity while supporting the clean energy economy.

At, we provide valuable information to help you determine the viability of solar energy for your specific needs in Ireland. Explore our resources to learn more about how solar power can benefit you and contribute to a sustainable future. Join us in supporting the solar industry and embracing clean energy solutions in Ireland.

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When you choose our Irish experts for your home solar installation, you can be assured of getting the best local expertise. Our expert technicians will customize your system according to local weather patterns, building materials and city codes in order to ensure the highest efficiency and performance.
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